10 Tips for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo

Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo is the first thing that users see when visiting your profile, and it’s also the first impression of you and your brand.

The Facebook VIP cover photo is an excellent place to showcase your brand, and it’s one of the few places where you can display logos, graphics, photos, and other images to help people recognize you in an instant.

In today’s digital world, everyone is more connected than ever before. As such, social media has become a common way for people to connect with their friends and family members across the globe.

That being said, it comes as no surprise that Facebook remains one of the most popular social networks. Even though its primary demographic is those who are 25 or younger, many older adults are also joining the ranks daily.

If you have not joined this social network yet because you were either too old or too young before (or just didn’t know about it), then now is a great time to do so – especially if you want to reach out to more people and make new connections in this digital age.

Create a Brand Identity with a Facebook VIP Cover Photo

10 Tips for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo

The first thing you have to do when creating your Facebook VIP cover photo is to create a strong brand identity.

This means that you have to showcase your brand, its products and/or services, and what makes it unique. The best way to achieve this is to create a Facebook VIP cover photo that tells a visual story.

You can do so by crafting a visual narrative that highlights key aspects of your brand, products, and/or services.

You also have to make sure that your Facebook VIP cover photo has the right mix of visuals, text, and other information, such as your social media handle or website URL. To accomplish this, you may want to use a Facebook cover photo template for assistance.

Use Graphical Shapes for Facebook VIP Cover Photo

Many people have personal photos as the cover photo on their profile, but this can make it difficult to read the text on your page. A better idea is to use a graphical shape that you will both recognise and stands out from the rest of the page.

If you’re creating a cover photo for your small business or organization, consider incorporating your logo into the photo to create a more consistent look across all social media channels.

Similarly, you can use a branded colour to unify your cover photo with your other social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

In addition to incorporating your logo or a branded colour, you can also incorporate your tagline or slogan.

This way, you can keep your cover photo consistent with other posts and help readers easily identify the posts as yours.

Use Brand-Only Colors in Your Graphics

10 Tips for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo

Use Brand-Only Colors in Your Graphics for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo. In addition to using shapes and logos, you can also incorporate specific colours into your Facebook cover photo to create a brand-only look. Specifically, you can use your company’s signature colour throughout your Facebook cover photo.

This can give your page a consistent look and make it easier for your followers to identify your page. If you are a business, try to pick a colour that’s associated with your industry.

This can help to set you apart from competitors and make it easier for people to find you online. If you are a brand or publisher, then it can be useful to pick a colour that matches your publication’s logo. For example, if you’re a magazine, you can incorporate the same colour that’s on the cover of your publication.

Use Big, Bright Images and Logos

Use Big, Bright Images and Logos for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo. The best Facebook cover photos are the ones that are big and bright. This means that you should make sure that your cover photo is large enough to stand out from other posts.

To do this, you should create your cover photo in a large size. A good rule of thumb is to make your cover photo at least 1200 pixels wide and 646 pixels tall. Moreover, the best cover photos often have a bright or vibrant colour scheme that draws attention.

So, if you want to make sure your cover photo is big and bright, then you should definitely make it colourful. This way, your cover photo will stand out on both desktop and mobile devices.

Include Text in Your Cover Photo

10 Tips for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo

Include Text in Your Cover Photo for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo. Although visuals are extremely important, you should also incorporate text in your Facebook cover photo.

This can make your cover photo more engaging and help your followers determine what your page is all about. You can incorporate text into your cover photo in a few different ways.

You can write a short description under your cover photo that gives a quick explanation of your page. You can also use text boxes, such as the header or a caption, to write a longer description of your page. You can also use hashtags in your cover photo to help with discoverability.

Incorporate Your Brand’s Logo into the Photo

Incorporate Your Brand’s Logo into the Photo for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo. If your brand has a logo, then you should definitely incorporate it into your Facebook cover photo.

This is a great way to keep your cover photo consistent with other branding efforts and to help people recognise your page. If your logo has text, then you can incorporate it into your cover photo by writing it out or placing it in a text box.

Alternatively, you can use the logo itself as a graphical shape within your cover photo. If your logo doesn’t have text, then you have a few options for incorporating it into your cover photo. You can create a collage of images related to your brands, such as pictures of your products or people using your products.

You can also create a visual narrative that showcases your brand. This can be as simple as creating a timeline of events related to your company or creating a story with a few frames.

Incorporate Branded Colors in Your Graphic Shapes

Incorporate Brand Colors in Your Graphic Shapes for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo. If your logo doesn’t have any text and you don’t want to create a visual narrative, then you can incorporate your branded colours into your cover photo by using them in shapes.

Shapes can be an excellent way to incorporate your colours into your cover photo since you have more freedom to experiment with different shapes.

For example, you can create a circular cover photo or a Facebook VIP cover photo that has a diamond shape. Or, you can create a cover photo that uses a lot of triangles or diamonds in different shades.

You can also use geometric shapes such as squares and triangles to incorporate your colours into your Facebook VIP cover photo.

Showcase Keywords with Copy Elements and Shapes

Showcase Keywords with Copy Elements and Shapes for Creating a Facebook VIP Cover Photo. Another way to highlight important keywords on your Facebook VIP cover photo is to use copy elements and shapes.

This can be helpful if you want to showcase a long-tail keyword or product name that doesn’t work well with a text box.

For example, if you make baking supplies, you can use a baking tray or cake pan as a shape in your Facebook VIP cover photo.

As another example, you can use a baking timer as a shape or create a baking timer out of the text. You can also use text to showcase keywords.

For example, you can create text out of your product names or the ingredients in your products. You can also use hashtags in your Facebook VIP cover photo to showcase keywords.



Creating a Facebook VIP cover photo is the first thing that users see when visiting your profile, and it’s also the first impression of you and your brand.

The Facebook VIP cover photo is an excellent place to showcase your brand, and it’s one of the few places where you can display logos, graphics, photos, and other images to help people recognize you in an instant.

To create an attention-grabbing Facebook VIP cover photo, you have to create a strong brand identity and use shapes, colours, and text in creative ways. With the help of a few creative tips and tricks, you can create a Facebook VIP cover photo that gets noticed and stands out from the crowd.

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