7 Effective Ways: How Long Does it take to Learn Japanese – Beginner Guide

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How long does it take to learn Japanese? If you want to know the answer to this question then keep reading this post till the end.

So you’ve decided that you want to learn Japanese and make it your new hobby. Perhaps you have friends or family who speak the language; perhaps you’ve taken a few classes before and found them fun, or perhaps you just find the culture and people of Japan so intriguing that you can’t help but want to learn their language. With that said, learning a new language can be challenging. It will take time, patience, and practice to get there.

So how do you begin? How do you start learning Japanese from the ground up? How do you set about on a path toward fluency? Learning any new skill can feel overwhelming at first, especially if it’s something completely outside of your comfort zone. But with the right attitude and preparation, learning Japanese can be an enjoyable experience. Let’s go through some great tips that will tell us how long it takes to learn Japanese:

Step 1: Watch Anime and Movies with Japanese Audio

How long does it take to learn Japanese

Learning with audio is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the language and begin to pick up on words and phrases that you may not have noticed otherwise. That said, it’s important to note that subtitles in Japanese aren’t simply a direct translation from the spoken language. Instead, subtitles are written using a different language, known as “simplified Japanese.”

This language is a version of Japanese that’s meant to be easily understood by non-native speakers. It’s broken down and simplified so that it’s much easier to read and understand. By watching Japanese-subtitled content with the audio on, you’ll be learning both simplified Japanese and real Japanese.

This is because the subtitles will be written in simplified Japanese while the actors’ voices are speaking real Japanese. This will allow you to understand the content while simultaneously practising reading and recognizing words in their native language. Let us now know how long does it take to learn Japanese with the help of a tutor?

Step 2: Find a tutor or learn from textbooks and apps

Finding a tutor, either one-on-one or in a small group setting, will give you a chance to practice what you’ve learned in a more interactive and immersive way. Tutors can help you to establish a daily routine and assist you with any challenges you may encounter along your language-learning journey.

While textbooks and apps are helpful, they don’t offer the same kind of one-on-one assistance that a tutor does. They’re good for reinforcing the fundamentals and building a strong foundation, but they don’t give you the chance to practice what you’ve learned realistically and practically. Let us now know how long does it take to learn Japanese with the help of events?

Step 3: Go to Japanese language Meetups and events

How long does it take to learn Japanese

Japanese language Meetups and events are a great way to meet like-minded people and learn new Japanese-related skills. From language exchanges to potluck dinners, you’ll find various types of events at Meetups. By going to these events, you’ll meet new people and learn more about the language and culture at the same time.

In addition to learning, you’ll also have the opportunity to practice and hone your new skills with native Japanese speakers. You can find and join Japanese Meetups in your area by searching online. Let us now know how long does it take to learn Japanese with the help of subtitles?

Step 4: Watch Japanese language content with subtitles

This one is a bit of a paradox. While you want to watch Japanese content with subtitles, you also want to avoid reading subtitles whenever possible. This is because reading subtitles means that you’re not actively reading and absorbing the language that you’re hearing.

Instead, you’re just passively reading and not really diving into the language. While reading subtitles helps understand the general content, it doesn’t help you to learn how to speak or understand the language. For that, you want to avoid reading as much as possible. Let us now know how long does it take to learn Japanese with the help of music?

Step 5: Get a feel for the rhythm of spoken Japanese by listening to rap, hip hop, and other music in Japanese

Japanese rap and hip hop songs are a fantastic way to get a feel for the rhythm of spoken Japanese. By listening to these songs, you’ll get a better sense of the speed at which Japanese is spoken. You’ll also discover that Japanese is a much more lyrical language than many people realize.

By listening to these songs, you’ll begin to notice certain patterns and rules that govern the rhythm and flow of Japanese. You’ll learn that Japanese is a very musical language with rules and regulations that govern pronunciation. Let us now know how long does it take to learn Japanese with the help of kanji and hiragana?

Step 6: Practice writing kanji and hiragana

How long does it take to learn Japanese

Learning kanji, the Chinese characters that form the foundation of written Japanese, is a must for any serious language learner. But it’s not enough to just know that kanji exist and be able to identify a few of them. You need to be actively practising writing kanji and reviewing them regularly.

This will ensure that you’re not just learning the symbols conceptually, but that you’re actually forming them with your hands. Let us now know how long does it take to learn Japanese with the help of literature?

Step 7: Read Japanese literature and manga

Reading is the best way to improve your reading comprehension and truly dive into a language. Because literary works are meant to be read, they’re the best source of authentic Japanese reading material. By reading Japanese literature, you’ll be able to practice reading authentic Japanese at a much more advanced level.

You’ll encounter different styles of writing and a wide range of vocabulary that you can review and use in your daily life. You’ll also get a sense of the cadence of Japanese and be able to better understand how it’s spoken by native speakers. Let us now know how long does it take to learn Japanese with the help of facts?

Step 8: How long does it take to learn Japanese?

It depends on a lot of factors. First, it depends on how motivated you are. Second, it depends on how much time you put into learning Japanese. Finally, it depends on what kind of learner you are. No matter what your motivation level is or how much time you put into studying Japanese, the amount of time it takes to learn Japanese will vary from person to person. The most important thing is that you’re working hard and putting in the effort to improve your Japanese skills. Remember that the journey to fluency isn’t a sprint; if you want to learn Japanese efficiently and quickly, you have to take it one step at a time.

One of the biggest factors that can affect how long it takes to learn Japanese is your motivation level. If you’re motivated and ready to commit some time every day to learning Japanese, then learning Japanese will go more smoothly for you. It’s also important to note that motivation doesn’t always mean enjoyment. You can be motivated by any number of things – being afraid of saying something wrong, having an interest in Japan or trying to impress people with your new language skills – so remember that the most important thing is to be interested in learning the language and putting in the effort!



Learning a new language can be challenging and intimidating, but the payoff is totally worth it. Whether you want to travel to Japan or simply be able to read manga in its original language, the more you dive into Japanese, the more you’ll enjoy it! For many people, the thought of learning a new language is enough to make their palms sweat and stomach turn.

But with the right approach, it can be a fun, rewarding, and manageable experience. Now that you know what to do, it’s time to get started! It may seem like a huge task, but with the right approach and daily routine, you’ll soon find that learning Japanese isn’t as difficult as you thought it would be.

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